
Clearly you donot have permissions to open the device from user space. In the second case when you are running the executable from terminal, you are having permissions probably because you have done su before running the executable. For your problem here, two things can be done. Displays information about the specified volume. For JSON formatted output, use the -json option when running the command. Syntax CLI maprcli volume info -cluster -output verbose. Default: verbose -path -name -columns comma separated list of column names. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Chperm; Which of the following permission sets indicates that others have only the read permission? Rwxrw-r-x; rw-rw-r– r–r–r-x; rw-r–rwx; Which of the following commands is used to change the ownership of a file? Chperm; chown chow; chmod; Changing the user owner of a file requires administrative access. Add the new employee user account to a group. Ensure that the group has the necessary rights and permissions. A, C, and D are incorrect. Granting individual user rights and permissions becomes difficult to manage as the number of users grows. Granting new employees administrative rights to the network is a violation of all network.

  1. Chaperman Neuquen
  2. Chapermint
  3. Copermo Chru Nancy
  4. Chermoula
  5. Hdparm Linux
Access to files in Linux is based on permissions. As you may know, we talk about 'users' and 'groups.' Each has different permissions regarding access to files. The available permissions are read, write, execute, and no permission. This installment delves into file permissions, how to find out what the current permisions are, and how to use the chmod command to change them.

IMPORTANT: The tips in this document require the use command-line commands. For more information about how to read and execute Linux command-line prompts and commands, please check the Linux Clues' Linux Cheat Sheet, especially Linux Prompt Basics and Linux Command-Line Nomenclature. You'll need to start by logging in as root. If you're not sure how to do that, read Logging in and out as Root.

File Permissions Explained
There's a clever command that let's you check existing file permissions. The command 'ls' lists all the files in the current directory, 'ls -a' shows all the hidden files as well. Typing this returns the results in 'long' format:

$ ls -l

So, for example, when you type something like:

$ ls -l /etc/gnome/gnomerc

Linux will return list the file permissions for the file gnomerc in this format:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 484 Feb 25 14:08 /etc/gnome/gnomerc

This does look a bit complicated at first, but it gets easier once you understand what everything means. The first 10 characters should be read like this:

- | rwx | r-x | r-x

The first character, the '-', tells you whether the item you're checking is a file (-), a directory (d), or a link (l).

The next three characters, 'rwx', express the permissions for the user (or file owner). They correspond to: Read, Write, and eXecute.

The next three characters, 'r-x', are for the group.


The last three-character set, 'r-x', refers to public permissions, or 'everyone.'

You've already gotten what you came for, the permissions for the file. But here's how the rest of the listing should be interpreted:

The '1' stands for the number of links to the file.

The position where the first 'root' appears lists the file owner.

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The position where the second 'root' appears lists the group.

The '484' is the size in bytes.

The date and time refer to the last modification to the file.

And, the last bit refers to the name and path of the file being checked.

Getting Directory Permissions
The same command works for checking all the permissions of a directory and its file contents. So, for example, type (replacing 'bruno' with your user name):

$ ls -al /home/bruno

That returns a long list of all the files in your home directory and their permissions. Because that tends to be too long for your screen, the better way to do it is to instead type:

$ ls -al /home/bruno >permissions

That creates a text file called 'permissions' in your home directory. Print it out for further inspection.

Changing File Permissions
You change permissions with letters or numbers. We prefer the numbers, which are in hexadecimal. Do you remember the chmod 775 command from the All That Bash installment of Linux Explorer? (Look under the 'Bash Script' heading.) That was one example of changing permissions. Typing the following command (choosing the filename of your choice) will change the permissions of the file to rwx r-x r--.

# chmod 754 {filename}

Remember, the available permissions are Read, Write, and eXecute. Each permission is assigned a different number:

Read = 4
Write = 2
eXecute = 1

The first number in the chmod command above corresponds to the 'user'; the second number corresponds to the 'group'; and third number corresponds to 'everyone.' Add the numbers for the permissions you want to assign to each position.

To give the user all permissions, you add up the numbers for the three permissions: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7

To give the group Read and eXecute (not Write) permissions: 4 + 1 = 5

And to give everyone read-only permission: 4 = 4.

Put them together and you get chmod 754.


So, if you change a file's permissions to 777, that will give all permissions to everybody. Not a wise thing to do.

Helvetica neue lt pro 75 bold. Chown and chgrp are two commands also related to permissions:

# chown

This changes the owner of the file.

# chown anna tessst

This example changes the owner of the file tessst from bruno to anna.

# chgrp

This changes the group ownership of a file if you changed the user and the user belongs to another group. If you want to change both user and group at the same time you can do it this way:

# chown anna:anna tessst

This example changes the owner to anna and the group to anna.

When you want to do the same thing for all the files in a directory, type it with the -R attribute:

# chown -R anna:anna tessst

The Letter-Based Method
In addition to the method described above there is a second way to change permissions. Chmod uses either the hexadecimal representation of the permissions or a letter-based representation. The letter-based representation is [ugoa][+-][rwx]. This is one of the letters u (user=file owner), g (group), o (others), a (all users, groups and others); followed by + or - to add or remove permissions; and then the symbolic representation of the permissions in the form of r(read) w(write) x(execute). To extend Write permissions to all for the file 'file.txt,' for example, you would type:

# chmod a+w file.txt


Is your head spinning yet? That's enough on this subject. Next time we'll tackle another exciting Linux adventure.

1. Which tool is used to configure a sound card device?

A. sndconf
B. sndconfig
C. soundconf
D. soundconfig

Answer – – B
Description – The sndconfig tool by Red Hat is used to configure sound devices.

2. Which file holds the Plug-and-Play configuration information?

A. /etc/pcipnp.conf
B. /etc/pnp.conf
C. /etc/rc.d/init.d/isapnp
D. /etc/isapnp.conf

Answer – – D
Description – The isapnp.conf file is stored in /etc.

3. Drivers reside in which environment?

A. Kernel space
B. Device space
C. Application space
D. User space

Answer – – A
Description – Drivers run from kernel space as they provide an interface between hardware and the kernel.

4. How can you view the used IRQs on a system?

A. cat /etc/interrupts
B. cat /proc/irq
C. cat /proc/interrupts
D. echo 1 > /proc/interrupts

Answer – – C
Description – The /proc/interrupts file contains the currently used IRQs. You can view this file using the cat command.

5. Which type of modems are not traditionally supported under Linux?

A. Winmodem
B. 3Com

Answer – – A
Description – Winmodems require software to handle most operations, instead of hardware. Very few have drivers for Linux.

6. Which platforms does Linux currently support?

A. Intel x86
C. Compaq Alpha
D. All of the above

Answer – – D
Description – Linux supports a variety of hardware platforms.

7. Linux requires a graphical video card with at least 2MB of memory.

A. True
B. False

Answer – – B
Description – Linux requires a graphical video card only if you run X Window or other graphical applications.

8. How many primary partitions can you have on a hard disk?

A. 4
B. 8
C. 16
D. 32

Answer – – A
Description – A hard disk can have up to 4 primary partitions, or 3 primary partitions and 1 extended partition.

9. The Linux kernel cannot be placed beyond what sector, when using some versions of LILO?

A. 512
B. 2,048
C. 999
D. 1,023

Answer – – D
Description – Due to BIOS limitations, not all versions of LILO can boot a kernel past sector 1,023.

10. Which tool does the install of Red Hat use for disk partitioning?

A. Disk Druid
C. fdisk
D. cfdisk

Answer – – A
Description – Disk Druid is used during the Red Hat installation.

11. Which shell is the default shell used on Linux systems?

A. csh
B. rsh
C. bash
D. tcsh

Answer – – C
Description – The default shell used on Linux systems is bash.s

12. Which file contains the available shells for the system?

A. /etc/passwd
B. /etc/command
C. /etc/bash
D. /etc/shells

Answer – – D
Description – The /etc/shells file contains a listing of available shells.

13. Which command is used to change the default shell to the Bourne-Again Shell version 2?

A. chng -s /bin/bash2
B. chsh -s /bin/bash2
C. shell -c /bin/bash2
D. default -shell /bin/bash2

Answer – – B
Description – The chsh command is used to view and change shell settings.

14. What is not a correct format for entering commands at the command line?

A. command
B. command options
C. command arguments options
D. command options arguments

Answer – – C
Description – Command options precede arguments when entered at the command line.

15. Multiple commands can be entered on the same command line when separated by which character?

A. .
B. ;
C. ,

Answer – – B
Description – A semicolon (;) is used to separate multiple commands on a single command line.

16. Which key combination is used to allow a command to span multiple lines?

A. “”
B. Enter
C. / Enter
D. Tab-Enter

Answer – – B
Description – The backslash () key causes whichever key follows it to be ignored. This allows the Enter key to be ignored and the command to be continued on the next line.

17. Which key, when pressed once, is used to provide command completion at the command line?

A. Tab
B. Esc
C. Enter
D. Ctrl

Answer – – A
Description – The Tab key provides command completion when pressed once.

18. Which key, when pressed twice, is used to provide command completion at the command line?

A. Tab
B. Esc
C. Enter
D. Ctrl

Answer – – B
Description – The Esc key provides command completion when pressed twice.

19. The Readline Library uses which editor to provide command-line editing?

A. pico
B. vi
C. emacs
D. edit

Answer – – C
Description – By default, the emacs editor is used with the Readline Library.

20. Keyboard bindings can be viewed using which command?

A. bind -keys
B. bind -v
C. display -keys
D. display -v

Chaperman Neuquen


Answer – – B
Description – The bind -v command allows keyboard bindings to be viewed.

21. Which file contains the system-wide variables on a system with a bash shell?

A. /bash
B. /bin/bash
C. /etc/bash
D. /etc/profile

Answer – – D
Description – The /etc/profile file stores the system-wide variable statements using the bash shell.

22. _______________would run a script called update_mozilla stored in your home directory, from that directory.

Answer – – ./update_mozilla.
Description – When running a command from the pwd, the command name is preceded by a period and slash (./), which specifies that the command is in the current directory.

23. When making changes to an environment variable what command must you use to ensure that those changes are available to the shell?

A. save
B. remember
C. export
D. echo

Answer – – C
Description – The export command causes changes to an environment variable to be made available to the user’s shell.

24. Which environment variable is used to customize the shell prompt?

A. PS1
B. prompt
C. shell
D. display

Answer – – A
Description – The PS1 variable is used to make changes to the prompt.

25. Which file contains the assignment of user’s home directories?

A. /etc/home
B. /etc/profile
C. /etc/passwd
D. /etc/users


Answer – – C
Description – The /etc/passwd file contains the assignment of the user’s home directories.

26. Which command displays a listing of previously entered commands?

A. commands
B. review
C. history
D. export

Answer – – C
Description – The history command displays the previously entered commands that are stored in the user’s .bash_history file.

27. Which key allows you to view the last command entered?

Copermo Chru Nancy

A. down arrow
B. up arrow
C. right arrow
D. left arrow

Answer – – B
Description – The up arrow is used to cycle through previously entered commands.

28. Which command allows you to use the default editor to edit several commands from the history file?

A. history
B. edit
C. fc
D. view

Answer – – C
Description – The fc command allows you to edit previously entered commands using the default editor.

29. It is possible to run commands that are not located in a directory listed in the PATH if you know the full path and command name.

A. True
B. False


Answer – – A
Description – Commands can be run using the full path as long as the user has the necessary file permissions.

30. The ___________ command is used to view a snapshot of the processes running on a system.


Answer – – ps
Description – The ps command is used to view a snapshot of processes running on the system.

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